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How they found the uk's life?

Here are some answer from Chinese students:


JoJo Kang :

This is my third year studying in the UK. When I first came abroad, I was very scared since I was 14 and alone. But in many ways, it helped me grow up massively in a very short period of time. Now, I enjoy it a lot because I get to meet a number of people from different countries and backgrounds. I find different cultures very interesting and it keeps me open minded. Although I don’t get to be home for a very long time, I try to make the best out of when I am home with family and have learnt to appreciate things more.

Carol Shi

This is my second year spent in Ellesmere College. In comparison to last year when I first came, I feel more mature and confident about using English and getting along with people around me. Last year, our schedules are completely planned and we were under supervison before our final exams. However, as a 6th former currently, my daily life is more to do with allocating my time according to my own need because I have more freedom than when I was in Year 11, which enhanced my independence and provided me my own way of studying. For example, I can decide when to take a rest and how to use my free periods efficiently (while i didn't have many time for self-study last year).

Leo Sun:

It's my first year in UK. The first impression was that the view was extraordinary especially in where I live. My life at school is calm and colourful with various activities filling up the schedule as well. It is also good to see that the teachers and pupils are kind.

Flora. Cui

    Studying and living in the UK has given me different experience, I felt it as soon as I was in the airport, people were very polite to me and some were very nice, friendly people which made me feel warm in this brand new country.
    As soon as I start my academic life here, I felt the difference between the education methods. Teachers here treat us like adults and gave us opportunities to express our own thoughts and opinions more frequently.


Looking back on my journey as an international student, there are a lot of remarkable experiences. From the incredible lessons day in day out to all kinds of extra-curricular experiences that push me out of my comfort zone. I have accomplished a lot of things that I have never imagined before.


Being an international student is not always easy, but it is truly rewarding. I want to thank the faith that I have been given in order to enable my potential. All the challenges and obstacles have broadened my outlook and shaped me to be a better version of myself.

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